Frank Sierawski: A New Meaning for Father’s Day

Frank Sierawski: A New Meaning for Father’s Day

Read time: 3 minutesIt’s been nearly a decade since Frank Sierawski was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer in his 30s. The Sierawski family—including Frank, his wife Kathryn, and their three kids—all experienced his diagnosis, treatment, and remission in different ways.“My kids have the luxury of not really remembering much of my treatments, surgery, brain radiation, etc. But my wife does. She remembers it like it was yesterday, and that's really given her some PTSD. You can imagine working…

Advocate Spotlight: Sydney Barned

Advocate Spotlight: Sydney Barned

Meet Dr. Sydney Barned, a lung cancer survivor-advocate from Jamaica who currently lives in Maryland.Sydney draws upon her unique experience as a physician and as a person living with lung cancer to help empower lung cancer patients and caregivers and to educate fellow healthcare providers and the public about the realities of lung cancer. Sydney is a doctor of internal medicine and a hospitalist. She was 33 years old and beginning her medical residency when she was unexpectedly diagnosed…

Caregiver Spotlight: Myra Aldarondo

Caregiver Spotlight: Myra Aldarondo

In the spring of 2021, Myra’s husband Kelvin had COVID-19. After, he had a lingering cough and shortness of breath. His chest hurt a bit when he breathed. They assumed it was pneumonia or at least COVID-related. They never guessed it would be lung cancer.Myra’s sister is a nurse, and she urged them to get an x-ray. They went to urgent care. After reviewing the scan, the doctor told them, “I can’t let you go home. You need to go to the emergency department and get a CAT scan right now. I can’t…

Survivor Spotlight: Randi Young and Sharon Schneider Found Their Footing with Team LUNGevity

Survivor Spotlight: Randi Young and Sharon Schneider Found Their Footing with Team LUNGevity

Team LUNGevity attracts experienced athletes, newcomers, and everyone in between. Many run, bike, or swim in honor or in memory of someone diagnosed with lung cancer, but lung cancer patients and survivors participate as well. Randi Young and Sharon Schneider are living with lung cancer and have recently completed their first races with Team LUNGevity. Both women have their own history with the sport, but each has found healing and renewed satisfaction by achieving their goals with Team…

Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Let Your Voice Be Heard!

We are collecting stories from patients, caregivers, friends, and family members! Tell us how lung cancer has affected your life. Email your story to us at Thanks!